PSO Curriculum Project

Curriculum Authors Journals Categories Year/Period Date
Ana Maria Rossi, James A. Meurs, Pamela L. Perrew? , eds. 2014. Improving Employee Health and Well-Being. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc. $39.00. pp. 215. Paperback. ISBN: 978-1-62396-517-4. . William P. Schaefer RHCPP Health Policy 2015 May 20, 2015
Anti-Masonry and Anti-Semitism in 1930s France André Combes RSCS Freemasonry and Secret Societies 2013 May 20, 2015
ASEAN and East Asia in the Era of Global Restructuring Bilahari Kausikan APP Governance, International Relations 2015 May 20, 2015
Asia's Nuclear Conundrum Aileen S.P. Baviera APP Security and Defense Policy 2015 May 20, 2015
Aspects of Serious Game Curriculum Integration - A Two Folded Approach Maria-Magdalena Popescu, Jeffrey Earp, Pablo Moreno-Ger, Michela Ott, & Ion Roceanu ILJ Education Policy 2013 May 20, 2015
Assembly 1- Culture and Civil Society Brian Kritz, Soumia Bardhan, C. Brandt Smith, and Sarah Tobin Middle East Dialogue Middle East Politics, Policy 2014 May 20, 2015
Assembly 2- Academic Boycotts Considered Carolyn Karcher, Craig Willse, and William Zartman Middle East Dialogue Middle East Politics, Policy 2014 May 20, 2015
Assembly 3 The Arab Spring William Zartman, Martin Catino, and Jill Kurtz Middle East Dialogue Middle East Politics, Policy 2014 May 20, 2015
Assessing Intergovernmental Institutions and Transnational Policy Networks in North American Resource Management: Concluding Remarks Andrea Olive RPR Natural Resource Management, Resource Management 2015 May 20, 2015
Assessing the Thai Paddy Pledging Policy: Its Performance and Social Costs Nipon Poapongsakorn and Kamphol Pantakua WFP Health Policy 2014 May 20, 2015
Assessing the Thai Paddy Pledging Policy: Its Performance and Social Costs Nipon Poapongsakorn and Kamphol Pantakua WFP Health Policy 2014 May 20, 2015
Assessing Virtual Students' Quiz Performance in Web-Mediated Synchronous Instruction Ed Gibson ILJ Education Policy 2012 May 20, 2015
Asynchronous Online Education Credit Hours by the Book Frederick Carl Prasuhn ILJ Education Policy 2012 May 20, 2015
Avoiding Blame?A Comprehensive Framework and the Australian Home Insulation Program Fiasco Markus Hinterleitner and Fritz Sager PSJ Policy Analysis, Policy Design 2015 May 20, 2015
Beliefs Regarding Faculty Participation in Peer Reviews of Online Courses Andria F. Schwegler, Barbara W. Altman, Lisa M. Bunkowski ILJ Education Policy 2014 May 20, 2015
Bending the Rules to Play the Game: Accountability, DRG and Waiting List Scandals in Norway and Germany Simon Neby, Per L?greid, Paola Mattei, Therese Feiler EPA Welfare and Social Policy 2015 May 20, 2015
Bilateral and Trilateral Natural Resource and Biodiversity Governance in North America: Organizations, Networks, and Inclusion Peter Stoett and Owen Temby RPR Natural Resource Management, Resource Management 2015 May 20, 2015
Bogart W. A. 2013. Regulating Obesity? Government, Society, and Questions of Health. Oxford: Oxford University Press. $85. pp. 224. Hardback. ISBN 978-0-19-985620-6. Tinapa Himathongkam RHCPP Health Policy 2015 May 20, 2015
Book Review - Dynamics Among Nations: The Evolution Of Legitimacy And Development In Modern States David Hales, Ph.D. JPCS Policy Theory 2014 May 20, 2015
Brave Genius: A Scientist's Journey from the French Resistance to the Nobel Prize Sean Carroll The Philosophical Society Innovation Policy, Science, Technology 2015 May 20, 2015
Bridging Complexity Science and the Social Determinants of Health George A. Kaplan, Ph.D. & Sandro Galea, MD, DrPH JPCS Policy Theory 2014 May 20, 2015
Change agents and service providers? User organizations in the German healthcare system Benjamin Ewert EPA Welfare and Social Policy 2015 May 20, 2015
Change agents and service providers? User organizations in the German healthcare system˜ Benjamin Ewert EPA Welfare and Social Policy 2015 May 20, 2015
Chr?tien-Guillaume Riebesthal: From the Religions of the Revolution to Paramasonic Ceremonies˜ Pierre Mollier RSCS Freemasonry and Secret Societies 2013 May 20, 2015
Chr‚tien-Guillaume Riebesthal: From the Religions of the Revolution to Paramasonic Ceremonies Pierre Mollier RSCS Freemasonry and Secret Societies 2013 May 20, 2015