9th Congress on Fraternalism, Social Capital, and Civil Society
May 30th – June 1st, 2024
Grand Orient, and The Bibliothèque Nationale – Paris, France
Preliminary list of speakers (updated as we receive proposals)
1. Eight Centuries of Freemasonry: The chronology of Fraternalism Viewed Through the Papers of the World Conference on Fraternalism. The Evolution of Medieval Guilds into Fez-wearing Philanthropists
Paul Rich, Policy Studies Organization
2. Gender, Nationalism, and Fraternity: Considerations of the Gender and National Controversies in Fraternal Orders
Guillermo De Los Reyes, University of Houston
3. Freemasonry and the secular Enlightenment
Margaret Jacob, University of California, Los Angeles
4. La liberté de conscience ou l’apprentissage du jugement éclairé, le message original de Condorcet » / «Condorcet’s original message : liberty of conscience or teaching human beings to use their critical judgment
Charles Coutel
5. Les 28 années (1849-1877) durant lesquelles le GODF a imposé la croyance en Dieu et en l’immortalité de l’âme à ses membres. « / The 28 years during which the GODF has imposed the belief in God and the immortality of the soul to its members
Philippe Foussier
6. Thomas Paine and Nicolas de Bonneville : a Franco-British dialogue on freemasonry and freethinking
Cécile Révauger
7. The Letter G: God or Geometry or King George
Paul Rich, Policy Studies Organization