Middle East Dialogue 2017:
A New Collective Vision
Friday March 10, 20017 at the historic Whittemore House
1526 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington DC
Preliminary Program:
*Please note while there are no breakfast or lunch breaks scheduled, food will be available throughout the day at no cost. There will be Kosher and Halal options
8 am Registration
9-9:50 am First Plenary – Auditorium
Moderator: Paul Rich, Policy Studies OrganizationDiscussant: Steve Shaulis, Central Asia Development GroupAfghanistan 2017: Hopes, Fears, and ProbabilitiesParamount Chief Ajmal Khan of Afghanistan
10-10:50 am Second Plenary – Auditorium
Moderator: Paul Rich, Policy Studies Organization
A Strategy for the Implementation of the Reconciliation Process Between Israel and the Palestinians, Alon Ben-Meir – New York University
1. Library
Moderator: William Morris, Next Century Foundation
An Uncertain Ally: Turkey Under Erdogan’s Dictatorship
Alon Ben-Meir, New York University
David Phillips, Columbia University
2. 1870s Room
Moderator: Ambassador Mark Hambley, Next Century Foundation
The Arab-Iranian Relations in the Persian Gulf Region: Towards a Regional “Cold War”?
Przemysław Osiewicz – Georgetown University
Amb. (ret’d) Gerald M. Feierstein – Middle East Institute
Barbara Slavin – Atlantic Council
3. Harriman Room
Moderator: Emily Dufton, The George Washington University
Challenges to Democratic Transitions in Developing Countries: Case Study
Abir El Shaban – Washington State University
Exploring US Involvement in Post-ISIL Reconstruction in the Middle East
Stefanie Mitchell – American Military University
4. Past Presidents Room
Moderator: Guillermo De Los Reyes, University of Houston
The Gender Gap in Palestinian Political Support: Why do women prefer Hamas?Minna Cowper-Coles – Birkbeck College
The Feminization of Public Space: Unrepresentability, Moroccan Women and Political Media
Amine Bouhzam – Wake Forest University
12:20-1:30 pm: BREAKOUT SESSIONS
5. Library
Moderator, Emily Dufton, The George Washington University
Amman: a 21st Century City
Social Mapping a 21st Century Amman
Betty Anderson – Boston University
Artists, Refugees and Women and the Remaking of Amman’s Pubic Sphere
Aseel Sawalha – Fordham University
Navigating the Refugee City: Urban Humanitarianism in Amman
Victoria Kelberer-McKee – Boston University
6. 1870s Room
Moderator: Christopher C. Hull, Issue Management, Inc
Six Years After the Arab Spring: Revisiting Political Activism, Civic Engagement, and Citizen Journalism
Sahar Khamis, University of Maryland
Gulen’s Approach to Peace, Democracy and Human Rights and the Current Threat it Faces in Turkey and Beyond
Emre Celik – Charles Sturt University, Australia
7. Harriman Room
Moderator: Lawrence Davidson, West Chester University
Rebuilding Syria: A Political and Social Prospective in a Cognitive Approach
Angela Kahil, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon
Hardliner-Moderate Dichotomy: A Deceptive Game Played by the Iranian Regime
Shahram Ahmadi Nasab Emran – Saint Louis University
8. Library
Moderator: Christopher C. Hull, Issue Management, Inc
Selective Revolution from the BenchAmel Mili – University of Pennsylvania
Why Social and Political Reform in the Middle East is Unlikely
Lawrence Davidson, West Chester University
9. 1870s Room
Moderator: Guillermo De Los Reyes, University of Houston
Muslims, Christians, Druze, and Jewish in Israel: Different Laws for Different Citizens
Michal L. Allon – Tel Aviv University
Israel-Palestine-Egypt-Jordan-ME Alliance as a Regional Solution
Josef Olmert – University of South Carolina
10. Harriman Room
Moderator: Emily Dufton, The George Washington University
Jews In Contemporary Muslim Thought
Emad Mohamed – Indiana University
Identity Contradiction in Islamic Awakening and the Reformation Attempts
A. Z. Obiedat – Wake Forest University
Part of the Philosphical Society of Washington Lecture Series
11. John Wesley Powell Auditorium*
The Destruction of Antiquities in the Middle East and the Trade in Stolen History
Deborah Lehr, The Antiquities Coalition
*The John Wesley Powell Auditorium is adjacent to the Cosmos Club, 2170 Florida Ave NW, Washington DC, 20008. It’s a 10 minute walk from the Whittemore House. Entrance is through the Cosmos Club gate, which is the first right-hand entrance on Florida Avenue, north of the intersection with Massachusetts Avenue. The entrance to the Auditorium itself is to the left of the gate.
The Middle East Dialogue is for policy makers, scholars, business and social leaders, to discuss current issues. Its purpose is to promote multidisciplinary conversation about topics that include, but are not limited to education initiatives, social, economic and political reforms, nuclear proliferation, interfaith dialogue, women’s gains and challenges, peace initiatives, and potential areas of conflict. We welcome a spectrum of political and religious persuasions to discuss issues in a spirit of tolerance and free discourse.
The Forum is co-chaired by Prof. Mohammed M. Aman of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the Editor-in-Chief of Digest of Middle East Studies(DOMES),and Prof. Paul Rich, President of the Policy Studies Organization. It is sponsored by the Policy Studies Organization, The University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, American Public University, DOMES, the Next Century Foundation, and the Capital Communications Group. Other sponsors are invited and will be added.
Registration Information:
The conference registration fee* is $200 for presenters and $250 for attendees. Checks can be mailed to the PSO at:
Policy Studies Organization
1527 New Hampshire Ave., NW,
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 349-9281; Fax (202) 483-2657
* Arrangements can be made to waive the registration fee on a case by case basis. For more information, please contact Development and Programs Associate, Emily Dufton at edufton@ipsonet.org. Continuous refreshments, breakfast, and lunch, will be available for all those in attendance. There is no fee for students and guests of the PSO and its sponsors.
Previous Programs:
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
Watch material from previous events: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
Travel and Booking Suggestions