Middle East Dialogue
Friday, March 22, 2019
The Historic Quaker Meetinghouse
2111 Florida Ave. NW, Washington, DC
Eventbrite – 2017 International Criminology Conference
Preliminary Program
Registration with Continental Breakfast
Food will be provided throughout the day at no cost
Opening Plenary Address
The Parallels Between the Crises in the Modern Middle East and History – and the Lessons to be Learnt
George Windsor, The Earl of St. Andrews
Introduction by Ambassador Mark Hambley
Room 1
Mapping Religious Authority in the Middle East: Findings from a Recent Public Opinion Survey
A.Kadir Yildirim, Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University
Selective Religious Incivility and Islamophobia in the Workplace
Darrell Norman Burrell, Florida Institute of Technology
How the Presence of the Presidency of Religious Affairs Undermines Secularism in Turkey
Feryal Cubukcu Can, Georgia State University
Room 2
The Hidden Arsenal: ISIS’ Child Soldiers in the Iraqi Refugee Camps
Suha Hassen, George Mason University and Imad A. Muhi, Independent Scholar
The Refugee Information Hub
Mary-Jane Deeb, Library of Congress
Room 3
Prospect of a Revolutionary Change in Iran post-JCPOA: The Crucial Role of the MEK
Shahram Ahmadi Nasab Emran, Saint Louis University
Ramesh Sepehrrad, George Mason University
Room 1
From Beirut to Jerusalem… to Hiroshima? The Middle East, Peace Building and Japan’s “City of Peace”
Ray Matsumiya, University of the Middle East Project
Does Israel Have a Future? A Consideration of Threats to Israel’s Existence
Steven R. David, Johns Hopkins University
Room 2
Israel’s Cultural Diplomacy: The Eurovision Song Contest as Battleground
Christina Kiel, Tulane University
The Challenge of U.S. Public Diplomacy in the Middle East
Martha Bayles, Boston College
Mapping Cultural Diplomacy Instruments in Contemporary Turkey
Zulal Akin, Tulane University
Room 3
China, BRI Countries and the Muslim Factor
BRI and China’s Security Strategy in Central Asia and the Middle East
Anchi Hoh, Library of CongressChina’s BRI Push in the Greater Middle East I-wei Jennifer Chang, Independent analyst on China-Middle East Relations
Room 1
Security for Small States Chair/Moderator: Igor Kovac, George Washington University
Domestic Security for Small States: Lessons from Teaching Homeland Security in the Gulf
Samuel R. Greene, Shepherd University
Security for Small States: Lessons for the Middle East from Latin America
Mark Hamilton, Inter-American Defense College
Room 2
Women’s Gain and Challenges
Wijdan Alsayegh, University of Michigan
Thomas Zimmerman, Washtenaw Community College
Room 3
Reframing the Narrative through Visual Ethnography: Reading Photographs of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Against the Israeli Apartheid Wall as Visual Injustice Symbols
Aisha Mershani, Gettysburg College
Justice in Revolutionary Tunisia: Theory vs Practice
Amel Mili, Drexel University
Room 1
Rentier-States and the Development of a Domestic Workforce: The Case of Qatar
Renee (Ryunhye) Kim
Women and Social Media in the Middle East
Zayer Baazaoui, University of Miami
Room 2
Assessment of President Donald Trump’s Disengagement Foreign Policy Toward the Middle East and Its Consequences
Ahmed Y. Zohny, Coppin State University
Is Trump’s America First Policy Truly Putting America First
Sahar Khamis, University of Maryland
Trump’s Policy in Syria
Radwan Ziadeh, Middle East Arab Center, Washington DC
Room 3
And Still We Rise: Transforming U.S. Policy Towards a Just Middle East
Sara Burback, Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, and Jill Pratt, Churches for Middle East Peace
Room 1
What is Khomeinism?
Mark Silinsky, Haifa University
Leah Silinsky, US National Defense University
Room 2
Engaging with New Societies: Proper Policies Needs Proper Knowledge
Amin Nash, Claremont Graduate University
The Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Whitney F. Martinez, Claremont Graduate University
Amir M. Rashed, Claremont Graduate University