Here is a list of all PSO journals, please note that some require a subscription. To see a list of open access titles, click here.
For subscription information visit the Wiley site
The following titles are in planning stages:
- Russia and Policy
- Japan and Policy
- Australia and Policy
- Mediterranean Policy
- Canada and Policy
- African American Policy Issues
- Museum Policy
- Media and Policy
- Accounting and Policy
- Remote Work, Productivity, and Policy
For inquiries please write Executive Director, Daniel Gutierrez, at
PSO subscription publications are donated to universities and libraries in over 80 developing countries through a program with Wiley. In addition, PSO cooperates in programs with number of library consortia, in keeping with our central propose of supporting objective research. Our website is regularly updated with more information and calls for papers, so be sure to check back! For questions please contact Daniel Gutierrez, PSO Executive Director, at

Arts & International Affairs
AIA interrogates the politics and economics of the arts through a global perspective. Situated within international contexts, the arts encompass the performing, creative and visual industries that envelop the modes of expression in the global political economy. AIA’s interdisciplinary style is imperative to capturing the intersections between people, their creations, their services and institutions. Artistic works often transcend borders and provoke local, national and transnational engagement.

Asian Politics & Policy
This journal is sponsored by the Policy Studies Organization in cooperation with the University of the Philippines. It is published quarterly by Wiley-Blackwell Publishing and covers important policy issues within the region.

China Policy Journal
CPJ is an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to the publication of rigorous policy research and analysis with an emphasis on contemporary policy issues in Greater China under the aegis of the Policy Studies Organization (PSO).

Digest of Middle East Studies
DOMES is edited by Professor A.Kadir Yildrim from Rice University. A biennial refereed journal on topics about Islam, the Arab Countries, Israel and those countries traditionally referred to as the Near East, including Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey.

European Policy Analysis
A double-blind peer-review journal on policy research with the aim of presenting the European perspective(s) on policy analysis. It’s published twice a year, on May and November, and it’ one of the latest journal to join the family of titles published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the PSO.

Global Security and Intelligence Studies
GSIS is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed, open access publication designed to provide a forum for the academic community and the community of practitioners to engage in dialogue about contemporary global security and intelligence issues.

Indian Politics & Policy
The journal aims to be the primary journal for studying contemporary Indian politics. We will consider submissions that analyze all aspects of Indian policies and political processes. We invite original work that demonstrates theoretical rigor, sound empirical research and policy relevance. We also welcome review articles, proposals for special issues and research forums on contemporary topics.

International Journal of Criminology
There are many journals covering criminal law, the criminal sciences and sociology, but very few international criminology reviews. We therefore aim to provide a space for open-minded dialogue, comparison, and criticism, which takes into account diverse approaches while avoiding sterile arguments about the nature of the discipline itself.

International Journal of Open Educational Resources
The aim of IJOER is to provide a venue for the publication of quality academic research with an emphasis on representing Open Educational Resources in teaching, learning, scholarship and policy.

Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy
JCIP provides a platform for academic researchers, infrastructure professionals, executive and legislative branch policy makers, and others who recognize that public policy intended to protect and build resiliency in critical infrastructure and communities needs to be informed by highly strategic, cross disciplinary and scientifically valid approaches.

Journal of Elder Policy
JEP aims to offer a forum for innovative thinking, theorizing, program planning and empirical research relevant to elder policy. We seek to publish informative articles relevant to policies that enhance quality of life and well-being of older adults including the old- old.

thrivance: journal of Indigenous ways of being, knowing, and doing
This international scholarly peer-reviewed journal seeks to engage in multi- cross- inter-disciplinary dialogue that uplifts Indigenous communities, nations or individuals, and critically examines topics that are relevant to Indigenous peoples. The aim of the journal is to promote Indigenous scholarship – Indigenous ontologies, epistemologies, worldviews, theories, philosophies, methodologies, pedagogies, perspectives, practices, experiences, stories, and artistic expressions of cultural resurgence and reclamation, and decolonization.

Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice
The journal seeks to explore a variety of emerging topics and questions related to teaching and learning in online and hybrid contexts across fields and discipline areas. Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice publishes articles that focus on aspects related to virtual instruction, from logistics, technology integration, to teaching to leadership, within and beyond classroom settings.

Journal on AI Policy and Complex Systems
The peer-reviewed journal provides a platform whereby researchers, policy makers, experts in relevant disciplines, and modelers can join together to offer scientifically valid and societally appropriate solutions to challenging problems facing the world today, from the perspective of systems and complexity science.

Latin American Policy
A journal of politics and governance in a changing region. Published in cooperation with the Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico City campus..

Policy & Internet
The Internet is now the most important international medium of communication and information exchange, and brings with it new practices, norms and structures. Policy & Internet is the first major peer-reviewed journal investigating the implications of the Internet and associated technologies for public policy..

Policy Studies Journal
PSJ is published in February, May, August and November on behalf of the Policy Studies Organization and the Public Policy Section of the American Political Science Association. The Yearbook of Public Policy is published as a special additional bonus issue in January of 2009 and subsequent years.

Policy Studies Yearbook
The yearbook is an international directory of active public policy scholars, including fields of specialization, contact information, research interests and more details that make it a great resource for PSO members.

Politics & Policy
P&P is a peer-reviewed journal for scholars in public policy, political science, and comparative and international studies. Established in 1973, it seeks to bring together manuscripts offering quality original research that makes a strong theoretical or empirical contribution to existing comparative policy literature, or to policy studies and political science more generally via the use of comparative methods.

Poverty & Public Policy
PPP is a global journal that addresses all the complex aspects of poverty, income distribution, and welfare programs around the world.

Popular Culture Review
Popular Culture Review is sponsored by the Department of English at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The journal is published twice yearly by Westphalia Press, and indexed in the MLA Bibliography.

Proceedings of the PSO
The Proceedings appear various times a year as an adjunct to all of the PSO journals and are among the most widely distributed sources in the policy world. All Proceedings are permanently available online.

Review of Policy Research
RPR is published in January, March, May, July, September, and November on behalf of the Policy Studies Organization and the Science, Technology and Environmental Politics Section of the American Political Science Association.

Risks, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy
This journal covers, among other issues, crisis prediction, preparation, mitigation, response and recovery. It will probe questions of physical, economic, health and environmental security.

Ritual, Secrecy, & Civil Society
This journal will be published twice yearly, initially. Devoted to the leading research in the field, including an emphasis on new European and Continental scholarship.

The Saber and Scroll Historical Journal
The Saber & Scroll Historical Journal is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal which welcomes submissions from graduate and undergraduate students, as well as alumni. The Journal will consider submissions on any history or military history topic. Also welcomed are book reviews and exhibit/museum reviews as well as web-site reviews.

Formerly Sculpture Review.
The first issue of Sculpture Review was published by the National Sculpture Society in 1951 although its antecedents date to 1893. The magazine is dedicated to the advancement, development and appreciation of realistic sculpture. Our objective is to show the various ways in which sculptors worldwide and throughout time have worked to express themselves in various media.

Sexuality, Gender & Policy
SGP is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on the social, political, and cultural dimensions of sexuality, as well as policy-relevant research on issues related to sexual health, sexual rights, and sexuality education.

Space Education and Strategic Applications
The SESA is a peer reviewed, international, multidisciplinary, open-access journal intended to serve and inform the space community of most recent advances in Space Education, Space Research, and Space Applications in this rapidly expanding field. The Journal is published bi-annually. As an academic journal SESA encourages the publication of advances in space research, education and applications. Book Reviews, Editorials, Commentaries and International Manuscripts are welcomed.

World Affairs
WA is the oldest continuously published journal of international affairs in the world, dating from 1837. A quarterly, its longstanding tradition as a leader of political debate has earned it a place in many embassies and ministries.

World Food Policy
WFP semi-annually publishes research-based articles exploring various aspects of policies and decisions that affect food systems at the global, regional, and transnational levels.Articles on policies pertaining to non-food commodities with noticeable impact on the world food sector or comparative national food policies are also within the scope of the journal.

World Medical & Health Policy
WMHP is a unique journal dedicated to the intersection of politics, policy, medicine and public health. We live in a globalizing world, where public policy decisions affect the prevention of diseases and the practice of medicine.

World Water Policy
A unique, peer-reviewed English language journal devoted to creating a platform for the world’s emerging water leaders and thinkers. The journal is dedicated to encouraging and disseminating new thinking about water policy and practice, about the education that supports it, and about the interrelationships between them.