Fifth Annual Forum on Drug Policy:
Human Rights and the War on Drugs: Local and International Perspectives
April 8, 2016
Roosevelt University
430 S. Michigan Ave, Library (10th Floor)
Chicago, IL
The Forum on Drug Policy is held to promote research and encourage dialogue between academics and practitioners in the field of drug policy. The conference is undertaken in conjunction with the Midwest Political Science Association
‘s annual meeting, and in cooperation with American Public University, the Illinois Consortium on Drug Policy, Roosevelt University and the PSO World Medical and Health Policy journal.
Our panelists this year include:
Ben Ruddell – Criminal Justice Policy Attorney, ACLU of IL
Katelyn Johnson – Executive Director, Action Now
Valery Shuman– Director, Midwest Harm Reduction Institute at Heartland Alliance
Julian Wilches – Former Drug Czar, Colombia
Lorenzo Jones -Co-Director, Katal Center for Health, Equity and Justice
Moderated by: Mick Dumke , Chicago Sun-Times
For more information on the Forum on Drug Policy, go to http://www.roosevelt.edu/icdp. For questions about the conference, please contact Dr. Kathleen Kane-Willis, Director of the Illinois Consortium on Drug Policy, at kkane@roosevelt.edu, or Dr. Bonnie Stabile, Editor of the World Medical & Health Policy journal, at bstabile@gmu.edu.
SEE VIDEOSfrom our past Forums on Drug Policy (2012, 2013, 2014,2015)