Role of Protected Micro-grids for Community Protection
Hon. R. James Woolsey, Chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a Venture Partner with Lux Capital, former Director of Central Intelligence and CIA
Scott Sklar, Owner, The Stella Group
David Geary, DC Fusion, Direct Current Microgrids
Terry Hill, Passive House Instituteand Community Microgrids Hospital
Dr. George Baker, JMU Professor Emeritus
Charles Manto, EMP SIG Chair
Industry Best Practices for EMP, Space Weather, and other High-impact Events
Dr. Paul Stockton, Panel Moderator, Managing Director Sonecon, LLC. And former Assistant Secretary of Defense
DC Area Power Company (TBA)
MW Transformer protection users (TBA)
NE Insurance Industry Data Center (TBA)
DC Area Water utility (TBA)
NE Power Company (TBA)
Amb. Henry (Hank) F. Cooper, Chairman, High Frontier; Cochair EMP SIG Civilian Military Liaison Panel
Community Action in Light of High-impact threats, Reviewing the Major Culture Shift of EmergencyManagement, Engaging Space Weather, EMP and Cyber Threats
Hon. Andrea Boland, former Representative in the Maine Legislature
Mr. William (Bill) Harris, JD, Foundation for Resilient Societies
Key EMP/GMD Next Steps
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, EMP Caucus Task Force
Dr. George Baker, Professor Emeritus, James Madison University, EMP SIG Advisory Panel Chair
State Plans and Regional EMP SIGs – Workshop and Table Top Exercises
Mary Lasky, National EMP SIG
Steve Pappas, MW EMP SIG and IN EMP Planning
Steve Volandt, SE EMP SIG and the NC EMP Plan
Mel Lewis, NE EMP SIG, Updates on NYC area planning
Hon. Andrea Boland, National EMP SIG Policy Adv Panel,
Maine update
Chuck Manto, Moderating
Joe Weiss, Cyber complications
Tom Popik, Nexus of engineering and organizational issues
Mark Walker, INCOSE and Mr. Michael deLamare, Bechtel
and INCOSE, review the joint INCOSE & EMP SIG Planning Models to Manage Complexity of High Impact Threats
The National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan Impact on the Whole of Community and Preparedness
Caitlin Durkovich, Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection (IP)
Coordinating the PSA and EMP SIG Programs, and, Congressional Updates
1. Coordinating the DHS Protective Security Advisor Program and InfraGard’s EMP SIG
Jerry Bowman, InfraGard National Members Alliance Board President
Scott Breor, Director of the Protective Security Coordination Division, DHS
2. “Congressional Updates on EMP and High-Impact Threat Planning and Protection for Communities”
Mr. Jerry Bowman introduces Session ChairDr. Wallace E. Boston, President and CEO, American Public University System introducesCongressman Roscoe Bartlett, former Congressman (Maryland)
FBI’s Roles and Perspectives on the EMP Special Interest Group and the 2015 Dupont Summit Sessions
Chuck Manto, CEO, Instant Access Networks (IAN) and Founder/Infragard EMP SIG (Electromagnetic Pulse Special Interest Group) Chair
Jerry Bowman, InfraGard National Members Alliance Board President
John Pi, Unit Chief, Supervisory Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Eric Sporre, Acting Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI’s Cyber Division
DTRA EMP Program
MajGen Robert Newman, USAF Ret and former Adjutant General of Virginia, Cochair EMP SIG Civilian Military Liaison Panel
Mr. Kevin Briggs, National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), DHS staff performing EMP analysis
Dr. George Baker, Previous DTRA staff, current contractor
Amb. Henry (Hank) F. Cooper, Chairman,High Frontier; Cochair EMP SIG Civilian Military Liaison PanelCharles (Chuck) Manto, CEO, Instant Access Networks, LLC
Transformer Protection Test Data
Dr. Fred Faxvog, Emprimus
Private Sector Finance and Capital Markets for Resilient Community Infrastructure
Jeff Weiss, Cochairman and Managing Director, Distributed Sun
Mr. William (Bill) Murtagh, Assistant Director for Space Weather at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Hon. Craig Fugate, FEMA Administrator
This includes a presentation of the Triple Threat Power Grid Exercise to the FEMA Director and his acceptance of it.
Paul Joyal, former InfraGard National Board member
Brett Leatherman, Assistant Chief of the FBI Cyber Division