The 8th Annual Dupont Summit 2015 on Science,
Technology, and Environmental Policy
Friday, December 4, The Historic Whittemore House, Washington DC
Schedule Overview
The purpose of the Dupont Summit is to promote interdisciplinary dialogue about pressing issues related to science, technology and the environment. The conference mirrors the interest of the PSO and its partners in promoting conversation about current policy concerns.
The schedule of the day below is subject to change. Abstracts will be uploaded on a rolling basis.
NASA Astrobiology Debate
2:00pm – 3:20pm
George Washington University Debate & Literary Society in partnership with the NASA Astrobiology Program as part of the PSO’s Westminster Debate Series
Organizer: Paul Hayes: George Washington University & NASA Astrobiology Debates
InfraGard National’s EMP SIG Program: Engaging Communities for High Impact Threats*
*program subject to change
9:30am – 10:50am
New Social Science for the Next Administration
Chair: David Merchant, Universidad IberoAmericana-Mexico City
The Urgent Need for a Social Science Upgrade to Presidential Advice:
Institutional Fortresses, Trojan Horses, Cosmology Episodes, and Resilience Processes
James Douglas Orton, Loyola University Maryland
Flyjberg’s Phronetic Social Science in the Context of National Intelligence
Kent Myers, Leidos Inc.
Systems Literacy for Policy Makers: The Case of Socio-Ecological Systems
Peter Tuddenham, International Society for the Systems Sciences
Group Facilitation Methods to Aid Community Development Globally
Stuart Umpleby, The George Washington University
Hidden Dynamics of Flourishing Systems
Govind Shah, University City Science Center, Philadelphia
11:00am – 12:20am
Regulating Neurotechnology: Science, Law, and Ethics
Chair and Panelist: Francis X. Shen, University of Minnesotta
Marom Bikson, City College of New York
& New York Center for Biomedical Engineering
James Giordano, Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics
& Georgetown University
12:30pm – 1:50pm
International Collaboration and STEM Diplomacy
Organizer: Connie L. McNeely, George Mason University
Moderator: Jong-on Hahm., George Washington University
STEM Diplomacy: A Win-Win Approach to Building a Robust STEM Capacity
Ana M. Ferreras, National Academy of Sciences
Collective Action and Paternalism in International Trade Negotiations
J.P. Singh, George Mason University
Collaboration, Analytics, and STEM Diplomacy:
Prospects and Barriers in the International Health Domain
Erik W. Kuiler, George Mason University
Gender and Scientific Cooperation for International Diplomacy
Lisa Frehill, Energetics Technology Centre and National Science Foundation
Katie Seely-Gant, Energetics Technology Centre
2:00pm – 3:20pm
Improving Pathways, Access, and Opportunities: Science Literacy for the Human Good
Organizer: Katie Seely-Gant, Energetics Technology Centre
Erik Kuiler, George Mason University
Lisa M. Frehill, National Science Foundation
Ester Sztein, The National Academy of Sciences
Rebecca Kruse, National Science Foundation
3:30pm – 4:50pm
Meanings and Practices of Coastal Community Resilience to Climate Change Impacts
Chair and Panelist: Michael Paolisso, University of Maryland
Grit Martinez, Ecologic Institute
Shirley Fiske, University of Maryland
Katherine Johnson, University of Maryland
Elizabeth Van Dolah, University of Maryland
Kathleen Clendaniel, Independent Consultant
Session 1A: 5:00pm – 5:30pm
Budding Scholars Conference on Policy and Complex Systems
Organizer: Liz Johnson, Journal on Policy and Complex Systems
How Much Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts? Evaluating Interactions Between Complex Policies
Martha Bicket, Policy Studies Institute
Session 1B: 5:30pm – 6:00pm
Feedback and Complexity in SBIR Funding Processes
Katie Seely-Grant, Energetics Technology Center
Will Farrell, Energetics Technology Center
Session 1C: 6:00pm – 6:30pm
American Pesticide Policy and Global Public Health: A Panamanian Case Study
Kaley Beins, Fulbright Student Research Fellow
Session 1D: 6:30pm – 7:00pm
On Extraction of Knowledge from Big Data Intelligent Systems
Duoduo Liao, George Washington University
Simon Berkovich, George Washington University
9:30am – 10:50am
Post Reconstruction Iraq Health Policy Challenges
Moderator & Participant: Arnauld Nicogossian, George Mason University
Shakir Jawad, Center for Disaster and Humanitarian Assistance Medicine
Adel Sidely, Council for Iraqi American Relations
& Arc-P Consult LLC
11:00am – 12:20am
The Kazakhstan Presidential 100 Steps Reform: Regional Socio-economic and Scientific Implications
Moderator & Participant: Arnauld Nicogossian, George Mason University
Yerkin Akhinzhanov, Embassy of Kazakhstan
Olzhas Nurgaliyev, Embassy of Kazakhstan
12:30pm – 1:50pm
Answering the Clarion Call for Environmentally Sustainable Funeral Practices:
Home Funeral and Green Burial
Chair: Rahima SchwenkbeckLee Webster, National Home Funeral Alliance
& Green Burial Council
Matt Alcide, Green Burial Council
Ed Bixby, Green Burial Council
2:00pm – 3:20pm
Alliance/Merck Ciencia Scholar: Supporting the Next Generation of Hispanic Scientist
Chair: Marcela Gaitán, National Alliance for Hispanic Health
Adolph P. Falcón, National Alliance for Hispanic Health
Emorcia Hill, Independent Evaluation Consultant
Oscar Gonzalez, Verizon Telecom
3:30pm – 4:50pm
3D Printing: A Look to the Future
Chair: Rahima SchwenkbeckProgress in the Making: 3D Printing Policy Considerations through the Library Lens
Charles Wapner, American Library Association
The Business of 3D Printing
Gadsden Merrill, TechShop DC-Arlington
Session 2A: 5:00pm – 5:30pm
Budding Scholars Conference on Policy and Complex Systems
Organizer: Liz Johnson, Journal on Policy and Complex Systems
Climate Change, Migration and Social Stress: Implications for Conflict and Cooperation
Jennifer Bert, University of Pittsburg
Session 2B: 5:30pm – 6:00pm
The Impacts of, Vulnerabilities from, and Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change of Two Siberian Native Communities
Vera Solovyeva, George Mason University
Session 2C: 6:00pm – 6:30pm
Building Psychohistory: Harnessing Complexity Theory for Political Developments
Lucas Almeida, University of São Paulo
9:30am – 10:50am
Defining Artificial Intelligence: Looking to Ethics
Chair: David Merchant, Universidad IberoAmericana-Mexico City
Robert Gordon, American Public University
Andrew Colarik, Massey University
Kandis Boyd Wyatt, American Public University
11:00am – 12:20am
Innovating for the Future Force
Chair: Daniel Tapia, GC Genera
Michael Simpson, Office of Naval Research
Larry Schuette, Office of Naval Research
Chris Fall, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
12:30pm – 1:50pm
Sustainability in Water Policy: Issues and Solutions
Chair: Shawn Schulenberg, Marshall University
The State of Global Fresh Water: Why I Am Cautiously Pessimistic
Charles J. Vörösmarty, City University of NY: Environmental CrossRoads Initiative
Water Reuse: A Sustainable Solution
Julie Minton, WateReuse
2:00pm – 2:35pm* (individual speaker session)
Intervening in the Design of Decision Environments
Chair: Daniel Tapia, GC Genera
John Harlow, Arizona State University
9:30am – 10:50am
Agricultural Water Management: Confluence of Policies, Institutions, and Technologies
Chair: Guillermo De Los Reyes, University of Houston
Unlocking the Potential for Smallholder Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Meredith A. Giordano, International Water Management Institute
Irrigation, Gender and Nutrition Linkages:
Tapping Irrigation’s Potential for Women’s Empowerment
Simone Passarelli, International Food Policy Research Institute
Building Institutions for Groundwater Governance in Andhra Pradesh, India
Marco A. Janssen, Arizona State University
Assessing Models of Public-Private Partnerships for Irrigation Development in Africa
Claudia Ringler, International Food Policy Research Institute
11:00am – 12:20am
The Case of Urban Farming in DC
Chair: Guillermo De Los Reyes, University of Houston
Urban Farming: An Alternative Solution to Reclaim Vacant Property
David Grosso, At-Large Councilmember, Washington, D.C.
Farming: An Alternative Solution to Reclaim Vacant Property
Lillie Rosen, DC Greens
Pamela Hess, Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture
12:30pm – 1:50pm
The U.S. Bicycle Route System: Connecting People, Communities and the Nation
Organizer: Virginia Sullivan, Adventure Cycling Association
John Bolecek, Virginia DOT
David Patton, Arlington County DES / DOT
Darren Flusche, Toole Design Group
2:00pm – 3:20pm
Human Trafficking and Technology
Chair: Cheryl Walker, Policy Studies Organization
Linda Hammond-Deckard, Office of Justice Progarms, DoJ
Cindy Southworth, National Network to End Domestic Violence
Erica L. Smith, Bureau of Justice, US DoJ
TRACK 6: BLAIR ROOM (Individual Sessions)
9:30am – 10:05am
Emerging Trends in Digital Publishing
Chair: Frankie Hockenbrocht, Policy Studies Organization
Phil Ice, American Public University
10:15am – 10:50am
Managing the Integration and Harmonization of National Air Space for Unmanned and Manned Systems
Chair: Frankie Hockenbrocht, Policy Studies Organization
Hans Mumm, American Public University
*Author will be available for a book signing: first 40 participants will receive a free copy of
Applying Complexity Leadership Theory to Drone Airspace Integration
11:00am – 11:35am
Mixed Messages: How Climate Change is Being Taught in America’s Public Schools
Chair: David Merchant, Universidad IberoAmericana-Mexico City
Eric Plutzer, The Pennsylvania State University
11:45am – 12:20am
Forging Trust Communities: How Technology Changes Politics
Chair: David Merchant, Universidad IberoAmericana-Mexico City
Irene Wu, Federal Communications Commission: International Bureau
*Author will be available for a book signing.
12:30pm – 1:05pm
Linkages of Risks, Uncertainties and Public Policy:
With the Focus on Science and Policy Communities in 2011 Tohoku Disaster
Chair: Daniel Tapia, GC Genera
Mika Shimizu, Kyoto University
1:15pm – 1:50pm
Managing Knowledge Creation in University Laboratories:
The Implications for Team Science
Chair: Daniel Tapia, GC Genera
So Young Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Seolmin Yang, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
2:00pm – 2:35pm
Spaceships To Planet Earth: Designing Systems for Space that Sustain Life on Earth
Chair: David Merchant, Universidad IberoAmericana-Mexico City
Martin J. Dudziak, EXO Capital Fund
& The Exoplanetary Corporation
2:45pm – 3:20pm
Global Climate Change: A Monumental Mitigation Challenge
Chair: David Merchant, Universidad IberoAmericana-Mexico City
Frank T. Princiotta, US Environmental Protection Agency: Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division
strong>3:30pm – 4:05pm
Defense Policy Challenges of Accelerating Technological Change
Chair: Guillermo De Los Reyes, University of Houston
James Kadtke, National Defense University
4:15pm – 4:50pm
Cyber Terror and War in Military Ventures
Chair: Guillermo De Los Reyes, University of Houston
Sunny Lee, Institute for Korea-U.S. Political Development
as part of a Lecture Series of the Philosophical Society of Washington
The Health Gap: Why It Concerns All Of Us and What to Do About It
Sir Michael Marmot, FRCP. UCL Institute of Health Equity, UCL Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, UCL, London, UK
*The John Wesley Powell Auditorium is adjacent to the Cosmos Club, 2170 Florida Ave NW, Washington DC, 20008. It’s a 10 minute walk from the Whittemore House. Entrance is through the Cosmos Club gate, which is the first right-hand entrance on Florida Avenue, north of the intersection with Massachusetts Avenue. The entrance to the Auditorium itself is to the left of the gate.
***Assertions and opinions in these presentations are solely those of the above-mentioned author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Policy Studies Organization, which expressly does not take positions on policies.