Dupont Summit 2014 on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy Issues
Friday December 5th at the Historic Whittemore House1526 New Hampshire Ave, NW, Washington DC
2014 Speakers and Topics
View the schedule at a glance. This document contains all the sessions in the program, which are listed below with more detail. Click on each of the sessions within the document, or in the list below, to read the abstracts and biographies of the speakers. Chairs for each session will be provided, except for those sessions that are providing their own Chair or moderator. All sessions had a Chair to introduce the speakers and to moderate the Q&A.
Please note that all sessions in Track 4, except the first one, were individual sessions, and they tan for 35 min each with 10 min breaks in between. All other panel sessions ran for 1hr 20min with 10 min breaks in between. Also note there was no specific lunch break scheduled. The reason was simply that food will be available continuously throughout the day, thus enhancing the networking environment while also avoiding the gathering of all participants in a single long line at a specific time.
As in previous years, we ended the program with a lecture in the evening, co-sponsored by the Policy Studies Organization, and organized as part of a Lecture series by the Philosophical Society of Washington. The link to the abstract is at the end of the list of sessions below.
Also as in previous years, Infragard National’s Electro Magnetic Pulse Special Interest Group (EMP SIG) held a meeting at the Dupont Summit on Planning Resilience for High Impact-Threats to Critical Infrastructure. Panel discussions focused on cost-effective ways to mitigate these threats including the use of hardening centralized systems such as the grid and emergency communications, and providing local solutions such as distributed energy systems and communications. Infragard is an FBI sponsored non-profit association of individuals interested in the security of critical infrastructure. Anyone coming to the Dupont Summit was welcome to attend these sessions. Those who registered through the link provided above to the EMP SIG portion of the program receiveed a print copy of the proceedings of this meeting
Click on each of the sessions below to read abstracts and speakers’ biographies.
Track 1: Main Auditorium
8:00am – 5:30pm
National Infragard EMP Special Interest Group Program 2014
Planning Resilience for High Impact Threats to Critical Infrastructure
Track 2: 1870s Room
9:15am – 10:20am
Exploring Drones: Predators and Privacy
Chair: Cheryl Walker, PSO & American University
Drones: The Next Wave of Technology with Social Privacy Issues
Robert Gordon, American Public University
A History of Predator Drones
Richard Whittle, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
10:30am – 11:50am
Reimagining Perrow & Normal Accidents: A 30th Anniversary Reflection
Chair and Moderator: Heather M. Ross, Arizona State University
Eric B. Kennedy, Arizona State University
Michael Burnam-Fink, Arizona State University
Abraham Tidwell, Arizona State University
Jennifer Richter, Arizona State University
12:00pm – 1:20pm
Cross-scale Comparisons of Urban Sustainability Strategies: Environmental Science, Technology, and Urban Policy Implications
Chair and Moderator: Rider W. Foley, University of Virginia
Michael Bernstein, Arizona State University
Braden Kay, City of Orlando Office of Sustainability and Energy
John Harlow, Arizona State University
1:30pm – 2:50pm
The Possibilities and Perils of Life Beyond Earth: Ethical and Policy Issues in Astrobiology
Chair: Derek Malone-France, George Washington University
John Baross, University of Washington
Steven Dick, Baruch S. Blunberg NASA/Library of Congress Chair in Astrobiology
Paul Hayes, George Washington University
Derek Malone-France, George Washington University
3:00pm – 4:20pm
MOOCS, Schmooks…Think POOCS
Organizer and Moderator: Tom Diffenbach, Seraph+Tom
Anmol Singh, Apton
Marcia Hajduk, Seraph+Tom
Mohammad Yousef, Apton
Avinash Ranjan
Divya Ranjan
Cici Wang
Bernard Nkuyubwatsi
Saravana Muthaly
Yussif Abdul-Hafiz
Mahree Khan
Sophie Bromand
Tom Diffenbach, Seraph+Tom
Session 1A: 4:20pm – 5:30pm
Budding Scholars Conference on Policy and Complex Systems
Organizer: Liz Johnson, Journal on Policy and Complex Systems
Trust and Natural Resource Management: Three Critical Classes of Trust Antecedents
Joe Hamm, Michigan State University
Does Longer Copyright Protection Help or Hurt Knowledge Creation?
Shahram Haydari, Northeastern University
Agent-based Model Simulations of Open Enrollment School Choice Policies
Matthew Kasman, The Brookings Institute Center on Social Dynamics & Policy
Session 2A: 5:30pm-6:30pm
Social Complexity in the ‘Aid Architecture’: The Network Effects of Development Interventions in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Elsa T. Khwaja, George Mason University
Industrial Competitiveness in Indonesia: A Shift-share Analysis
Yudo Anggoro, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Forecasting Potential for Equity Crowdfunding: Tools for Understanding
Allison Wood, Georgia Institute of Technology
Track 3: Library
9:15am – 10:20am
Technology and Global Health Policy: Focus Medical Informatics
Chair and Moderator: John Allen, NASA Hq.
Federal Regulatory, Legislative and International Consideration
Charles Doarn, Federal Telehealth Working Group
National Policy Challenges in Implementing Telehealth Program
Jonathan Linkous, American Telemedicine Association
Example Telemedicine use in a Federal Setting
Arnauld Nicogossian, George Mason University
10:30am – 11:50am
Quantum Computing, Viral Outbreaks and Needles in Haystacks
Chair: Rahima Schwenkbeck, PSO
Quantum Computing: a practical introduction and projection into the Crowd-Space of the Global Web
Integrating Tomorrow’s Technology into Today’s Society, Business and Government through the Innovators of Tomorrow, Ages 8 and Up
Martin Dudziak, Institute for Innovative Study, TetraDyn Ltd.
ANTS – Doing Artificial Intelligence and Simulating Quantum Computing Today through Social Networks to Uncover Trends and Movements
Yuri Shestov, Boston University
S.H.A.K.T.I. Warriors, Super Heroes and Virturealities – Engaging Children and Youth in Online Communities to Create a Movement and a “virtual quantum computer”
Lane JaBaay, The H2 Group
Crowd-source Style Computing via Social Networks for Finding Anomalies, Outliers and Triggers of Public Health and Security Risks
Peter Ross, New York University
Driving Innovation: STEM Policy and Practice
Chair: Shawn Schulenberg, Marshall University
Revitalizing Ethics Training of STEM Graduates via Immersive Engagements with Grassroots Organizations: The Tonawanda, NY Experience
Siddhartha Roy, Virginia Tech
Strategies to Enable Multi-dimensional Mentoring in International Research Collaboration
Katie Seely-Gant, Energetics Technology Center
Lisa Frehill,National Science Foundation
Women in STEM: A Gender Gap to Innovation
David Beede, US Department of Commerce
Exploring Successful STEM Practices at McKinley Technology Education Campus
Louise Jones, McKinley Technology Education Campus
1:30pm – 2:50pm
Vision for Space Utilization: Exploration and Why It Is Important
Chair: Rodger Williams, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Moderator: James (Jim) Albaugh, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics & (ret’d) The Boeing Company
Michael J. Gazarik, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
John W. Elbon, The Boeing Company
Robert D. Braun, Georgia Insittute of Technology
Michael Lopez-Alegria, MLA Space, LLC
Exploring Cyberspace: Phishing, Security and Threats
Chair: George Nguyen, GN Consulting
How Do Cyber Weapons affect Strategic Stability?
Clay Wilson, American Public University
Mobile Security & Internet of Everything
Daniel Benjamin, American Public University
The Human Element: The Biggest CyberSecurity Vulnerability in the 21st Century Workplace
Elliott Lynn, American Public University
Session 1B: 4:20pm – 5:30pm
Budding Scholars Conference on Policy and Complex Systems
Application of Complex Science to the Work and Education of Nurses
Dana Martin, Pfeiffer University
The Promise and Disappointments of State-Level RPS Policies: Using Complexity to Evaluate the Efficacy of Energy Policies?
Joseph Cochran, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Bioterrorist Pandemic or Publish: an alternative approach to resolving the dual use dilemma through considerations of justice
Philip R. Egert, Virginia Tech
A Comparative Analysis of Functionalism in Western Europe and Israel-Palestine
Elizabeth Jimenez, FHI 360
Session 2B: 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Complexity Methodologies Plus Traditional Methods in Policy Research
Liz Johnson, Journal on Policy and Complex Systems
Creating a Digital Pedagogy: Exploring Online Learning Methods to Increase STEM Graduates
Raymond Ferrell, University of North Carolina Charlotte
The Math Behind Ebola and Potential Impact on Policy
Mohamed Salad, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Complex Systems in Today’s Society-A Computer Scientist’s Perspective
Bijan Razavi, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Track 4: 1527 New Hampshire Avenue
9:15am – 10:20am
At Crossroads: Future Implications for Drug Policy
Chair: Rex Kallembach, Kallembach & Associates
Is Marijuana Legalization a Man Made Public Health Disaster Currently Unfolding in Two State “Laboratories” in the US?
Paula Gordon, Lifeboat Foundation
It All Comes Down to Prohibition
Neill Franklin, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
The War on Marijuana in Black and White
Sara Love, American Civil Liberties Union
The Dangers of a Third Legal Recreational Drug
Will Jones, Two Is Enough – DC
Disasters and Health Policy: Focus on Ebola
Chair and Moderator: Arnauld Nicogossian, George Mason University
Policies and Practices to Reduce Exposures and Infection Transmissions
Mary Schmidt, George Mason University
Protecting Health Care Workers During Pandemics (Lessons Learned)
Larissa May,George Washington University
Public Health Preparedness
Marc Grant,Washington DC Department of Health
12:00pm – 1:20pm
Big Data Analytics and Workforce Issues: Initiatives, Research, and Challenges
Organizer: Connie L. McNeely, George Mason University
Moderator: Jong-on Hahm, George Mason University
Big Data Science in Biomedical Research: NIH on the Frontlines
Philip E. Bourne, National Institutes of Health
Privacy in the Age of Big Data: The Challenges and Opportunities for Research
Heng Xu, National Science Foundation
Big Data Adoption in the Environmental Health Domain: International Challenges and Perspectives
Erik Kuiler, Systems Made Simple, Inc.
Big Data and the Analysis of the Relationship Between Educational Institutions and the World Labor Market
Lisa M. Frehill, Energetics Technology Center
Building Proficiency In and For a World of Massive Data: Complex Issues and Approaches
Michelle Schwalbe, National Research Council
Data-Driven Science and the Academic Workforce: Issues, Implications, and Trends
Laurie A. Schintler, George Mason University
1:30pm – 2:50pm
Science, Technology, and Art in International Relations (STAIR) Section of the International Studies Association: Joint Panels
Organizer: J.P. Singh, George Mason University
Chair: Guillermo de los Reyes, University of Houston
Panel 1: Soft Power and Technologies
Counter-Narratives and “Platform” Agnosticism: The Lessons of Technological Affordance within US Soft Power Discourse
Craig Hayden, American University
Exploring the Soft Power Potential of Science Diplomacy
Karen Walker, ISA-STAIR
Measuring Soft Power
Irene S. Wu, Federal Communication Commission
3:00pm – 4:20pm
Panel 2: Emergent Issues in Science and Technology
Chair: Guillermo de los Reyes, University of Houston
Power in an Information-Drenched World
Renee Marlin-Bennett, John Hopkins University
Meta-Power, Cultural Identity, and Large-Scale Information Technology Networks
J.P. Singh, George Mason University
Nanotechnology and Global Environmental Politics
Kirsten Rodine Hardy, Northeastern University
Shifting Away from the WTO? Intellectual Property in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and the Case of China
Susan Sell, George Washington University
June Park, Boston University
Track 5: Blair Room
9:15am – 10:20am
Extracting Benefits, Risks and Impacts of Shale Gas Policy
Chair: Ion Iftimie, Central European University
The Uncertain Impacts of Shale Gas on Climate Change: An Assessment of the Value of Information from Moratoria
Zach Wendling, Indiana University Bloomington
Perception vs. Reality: Comparing Benefits and Risks of Unconventional Gas Development
Yu Zhang,Indiana University Bloomington
11:15am – 11:50am
GHC Emission Mitigation
Chair: Rex Kallembach, Kallembach & Associates
Frank Princiotta, US Environmental Protection Agency
12:00pm – 12:35am
Trends in Distributed Generation and Storage as a Multi-Asset Response to Terrorism, CyberSecurity, Increasing Intense Weather Patterns, and Resiliency for Critical Infrastructure and Energy Loads
Chair: Rex Kallembach, Kallembach & Associates
Scott Sklar, The Stella Group
12:45pm – 1:20pm
Nurturing Networks: A Path Forward for Democratic Deliberation
Chair: Rex Kallembach, Kallembach & AssociatesCharles Balter, Pomona College
1:30pm – 2:05pm
The Importance Of Affordable Helium To U.S. Scientists And Researchers
Chair: Rex Kallembach, Kallembach & AssociatesRyan Davison, American Chemical Society
2:15pm – 2:50pm
Global Inequality in Energy Consumption from the Maximal Entropy Perspective
Chair: Guillermo Izabal, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Victor Yakovenko, University of Maryland
3:00pm – 3:35pm
Managing the Climate Change Problem: Informing Climate Policy
Chair: Goncalo Amaral, Accenture LTD
Ekundayo Shittu, George Washington University
3:45pm – 4:20pm
Focusing on Things One Can Count versus Things That Do Count: Striking the Balance
Chair: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Michael Simpson, Office of Naval Research Education (Contract Support)
Evening Session: 8:15pm, as part of a Lecture Series of the Philosophical Society of Washington
John Wesley Powell Auditorium*
The 35 Years of GMO War
Nina V. Fedoroff, Evan Pugh Professor of Biology, Penn State University; Distinguished Professor of Biosciences Emerita King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
*The John Wesley Powell Auditorium is adjacent to the Cosmos Club, 2170 Florida Ave NW, Washington DC, 20008. It’s a 10 minute walk from the Whittemore House. Entrance is through the Cosmos Club gate, which is the first right-hand entrance on Florida Avenue, north of the intersection with Massachusetts Avenue. The entrance to the Auditorium itself is to the left of the gate.
***Assertions and opinions in these presentations are solely those of the above-mentioned author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Policy Studies Organization, which expressly does not take positions on policies.