

PSO conferences are either in-person, fully virtual, or hybrid, accommodating both remote and in-person speakers. Check the page for each conference for details. Early registration will help us handle the logistics and keep you informed.
PSO conferences are held in cooperation with American Public University System.

The Policy Studies Organization sponsors various events throughout the year. Some of these form part of the programs of the annual conventions of the American Political Science Association (APSA), the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) and the Southern Political Science Association (SPSA). Others are in connection with some of our publications and their hosting institutions. 

The purpose of these events is to provide neutral grounds to encourage dialogue and exchange of views across the political spectrum. This furthers the goals of the PSO in promoting multidisciplinary discussion of relevant policy issues. Members of the PSO, academics, social, government and business leaders, students, and the general public, are all invited to come, network, and participate in these events. Co-sponsored by the American Public University System

PSO encourages 365 day conferences, those that interact and network between actual meetings and where early postings of drafts encourage ongoing discussion. We try hard to provide continuity so those who attend can mark their calendars with confidence. Our conferences, like our journals, are central to our role in dissemination and conversation.

For questions about any of these events, please contact PSO Executive Director, Daniel Gutierrez, at

We welcome individual teachers and  panels presenting and discussing syllabi and courses.

The PSO  is glad to meet you if you come to Washington, whether it be for a conference or editorial meeting or other purposes. We have student interns who have volunteered to assist visitors, and we welcome a chance to suggest activities.  Simply contact Daniel Gutierrez at

Join PSO at the following:

PSW Lecture SeriesOngoing. In cooperation with American Public University, the Guest Lecture Series of the Philosophical Society of Washington are selected to appeal to those with a general interest in science and do not require a specialized knowledge of the subject. Check out the event schedule here.

Middle East Dialogue, at the Center for Arab and Islamic Studies, Villanova University, Philadelphia. This event is in connection with the Digest of Middle East journal, and co-sponsored by Villanova University.

World Conference on Fraternalism, Freemasonry, and History, Convened by the Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society journal, the conferences are held alternatively in odd number years in Paris in cooperation with the Grand Orient de France and the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, France, and in Washington DC. The event focuses on the study of ritual, secrecy, and civil society vis-à-vis the dynamics of Masonic scholarship around the world. The meeting is a part of the PSO’s support of research into social capital, civility, and the role of non governmental organizations in democracy.

AI and the Future of Education: Disruptive Teaching and Learning Models, Fully virtual conference co-sponsored by the Journal of Online Learning, Research, and Practice (JOLRAP), and the International Journal of Open Educational Resources (IJOER).

Out F.R.O.M. the Shadows, Fully virtual conference, in cooperation with the English Department at American Public University System.

Space Education and Strategic Applications Virtual Conference, Co-sponsored by the Space Education & Strategic Applications journal, the event brings together academics, professionals, policy makers, influencers, NGO and industry representatives, to engage in multidisciplinary conversation about the renewed interest in space.

International Criminology Conference, virtual conference. Co-sponsored by the PSO’s International Journal on Criminology. The call for proposals is now open. Papers and panels invited on criminology in its broadest context.

Sport United Conference on Sport and Esport Management, Virtual conference in cooperation with American Public University System.

Dupont Summit on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy, at the Historic Quaker Meeting House, Washington DC. Convened by the PSO’s Review of Policy ResearchPolicy & InternetRisk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, and World Medical and Health Policy journals.

Oxford Internet Policy & Politics Conference, Hybrid event at the Examination Schools, Oxford University, co-sponsored by the PSO’s Policy & Internet journal.

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