Phil the Fiddler: The Story of a Young Street-Musician ()
Phil the Fiddler: The Story of a Young Street-Musician Horatio Alger Jr.
Phil the Fiddler: The Story of a Young Street-Musician Horatio Alger Jr.
War Scenes I Shall Never Forget Carita Spencer
Jack’s Ward; or, The Boy Guardian Horatio Alger Jr.
A New Art of Brewing Beer, Ale, and Other Sorts of Liquors: So as to Render Them More Healthfull to the Body and Agreeable to Nature Thomas Tryon
Early Quaker Education in Pennsylvania Thomas Woody PhD
The Durable Satisfactions of Life Charles William Eliot
A History of Japanese Mathematics David Eugene Smith and Yoshio Mikami
Contemporaries of Shakespeare Algernon Charles Swinburne
Tales of the Mermaid Tavern Alfred Noyes
Transylvania in 1922: Report of the Commission Sent by the American and British Unitarian Churches to Transylvania in 1922 Louis C. Cornish