Annals of the Hobby Club of New York City, 1912-1920 ()
Annals of the Hobby Club of New York City, 1912-1920 New York Hobby Club
Annals of the Hobby Club of New York City, 1912-1920 New York Hobby Club
The London Friends’ Meetings William Beck and Thomas Frederick Ball
Proceedings of the General Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star at its Fourth Stated Meeting, August 17-23, 1883 General Grand Chapter
Charles Francis Adams, 1835-1915: An Autobiography Charles Francis Adams
Old Quaker Meeting-Houses John Russell Hayes
The Anti-Slavery Crusade: A Chronicle of the Gathering Storm Jesse Macy
New Wars for Old: Being a Statement of Radical Pacifism in Terms of Force Versus Non-Resistance: with Special Reference to the Facts and Problems of the Great War John Haynes Holmes
Pomona’s Travels: A Series of Letters to the Mistress of Rudder Grange from Her Former Handmaiden Frank R. Stockton
British Burma and Its People: Being Sketches of Native Manners, Customs and Religion Capt. C.J.F.S. Forbes
Policy Perspectives from Promising New Scholars in Complexity: Volume III Dr. Liz Johnson and Dr. Joseph Cochran