Jacquerie 2.0 (Peasant Revolt 2.0) (Pages 155-157)
Jacquerie 2.0 (Peasant Revolt 2.0) (Pages 155-157)
Jacquerie 2.0 (Peasant Revolt 2.0) (Pages 155-157)
Policy Change in Brazil: New Challenges for Policy Analysis in Latin America
The Economic Costs of Crime in Brazil (Pages 127-133)
Fraternal Oath and Global Governance: How a Medieval Practice Has Survived into The Twenty-First Century Rule of Law (Pages 69-89)
Inclusive Language for Exclusive Policies: Restrictive Migration Governance in Chile, 2018
Elbe, Stefan. 2018. Pandemics, Pills, and Politics: Governing Global Health Security. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. $39.95. pp. 280. ISBN: 9781421425580.
Choice‐Based Reminder Cues: Findings From an mHealth Study to Improve Tuberculosis
Do Local Government Units in the Philippines Procure Medicines According to a Set Benchmark Price?
The Determinants of Public Policy: What Matters and How Much
Citizens’ Trust in Government and Their Greater Willingness to Pay Taxes in Tanzania: A Case Study of Mtwara, Lindi, and Dar es Salaam Regions