Taxing Flaring and the Politics of State Methane Release Policy (Pages 6-38)
Taxing Flaring and the Politics of State Methane Release Policy
Taxing Flaring and the Politics of State Methane Release Policy
Exploring Aggregate vs. Relative Public Trust in Administrative Agencies that Manage Spent Nuclear Fuel in the United States
Who Owns What, and Why? The Origins of Issue Ownership Beliefs
Collaborating with the Machines: A Hybrid Method for Classifying Policy Documents
Political Candidates and the Energy Issue: Nuclear Power Position and Electoral Success
The Politics of Technology Decline: Discursive Struggles over Coal Phase‐Out in the UK
Topping Off and Bottoming Out: Setting Budget Priorities Through Executive Power
Golden Migrants: The Rise and Impact of Illegal Chinese Small‐Scale Mining in Ghana
Resistance to Energy Transitions
Gender and Policy Agendas in the Post‐War House