Disaster Risk and the Prospect of Enhancing the Resilience of the African Community in Auckland (Pages 188-203)
Disaster Risk and the Prospect of Enhancing the Resilience of the African Community in Auckland
Disaster Risk and the Prospect of Enhancing the Resilience of the African Community in Auckland
Waiting Game: Rhetorical Evocations of Canada in U.S. Health Care Debates
The Brazilian Army in the Fight Against Crime (Pages 79-86)
The Security Foundations of Jair Bolsonaro’s Electoral Breakthrough (Pages 45-54)
State‐Level Political Institutions Matter: The Balance of Powers Among Governors, Legislatures, and Direct Democracy Influences Medicaid Expansion Decisions
Freemasonry and the Chivalric Imaginary (Pages 21-38)
Trust in Emergency Management Authorities and Individual Emergency Preparedness for Tornadoes
Taxing Flaring and the Politics of State Methane Release Policy
Exploring Aggregate vs. Relative Public Trust in Administrative Agencies that Manage Spent Nuclear Fuel in the United States
Who Owns What, and Why? The Origins of Issue Ownership Beliefs